Sunday, March 10, 2013

Taking a break

Hey, guys... Just what it says on the title.
More info after the break, plus a couple of screenshots because I feel bad.

So last night I was working on a great new idea. ZDoom has all manner of new powerups, and I thought, this is going to be epic. I had set plans for three, and I sat down last night ready to program.

One of my flaws is I refuse to admit defeat to an inanimate object. So when I wanted a certain powerup to stay with you until you died but the game decided that that certain powerup would be stripped every time you left a level, I said 'screw you, challenge accepted'.

I added flags. I added combinations of flags. I used ACS (scripting). I learned new code pointers. I did everything I could think of, but it still got stripped every time I left the level.

So then I decided, never mind. I'll just lampshade it and have it "wear off" in game. So I did.

Then I realized it was five in the morning. I had been fighting this all night. I hadn't done any homework, I hadn't accomplished anything, really, and I had somewhere important to be at eight.

This kindof has to stop. I'm already failing my chemistry class. I need to get my life in order, and Raridoom is... well... kindof a distraction. A fantastic distraction, yes, but a distraction nonetheless.

So... yeah. So consider this me taking a step backwards and a bit of a break. I won't stop working on it, though. Trust me, I've gone too far to turn back now. And the new maps are looking great (at least, I think so). But don't expect a new video update or anything until at least the beginning of April.

As for the powerups I was working on? One is unlimited ammo for a short time. You can see why I think that's awesome. Another makes monsters be afraid of you and run away. Probably that will be a mask or something, just for fun. Seriously. The possibilities are limitless.

And did you know that zdoom provides parameters for deep water? Yeah. Rarity's going swimming. And Rarity can drown. And there are scripts that can show you your air supply if you go underwater. You get about 20 seconds before you start taking damage.
Unless the flying spitter shoots you under water, like in that second screenshot.

...see? This is what I'm talking about. I go crazy for new features and forget to do important things, like eat. (I was just joking, but then I realized that I really haven't had lunch yet. Oops.)

So, during this mini-hiatus, I propose a little contest, for all two of you who read my blog. What should be a good obituary for Rarity drowning?

Currently, it's "Rarity ruined her mane in the water", but I already used that for the slime ("Rarity ruined her mane in the slime").

I have also considered "Rarity learned that marshmallows are not fish", but I already used the marshmallow joke thrice; once for when you turn off noclipping ("Rarity is back to being a marshmallow"), once for the crushing death ("Rarity was squished like a marshmallow". That reminds me... I haven't put in any crushers. I don't know how to justify them in-universe. Heck, the elevator platforms don't make any sense, either, because technically, changelings can fly. I dunno.) and once for falling damage ("Careful... Marshmallows aren't indestructible, you know"), which really doesn't matter because I turned off falling damage in the game so E1M2 (the level entitled "Big Jumps" doesn't kill you. But I digress.

So what do you think? What should it say when Rarity drowns?


  1. I may think of others but one off the top of my head, "Out of all the worst things to happen, this is the worst possible thing! Rarity's manes all wet." kinda long i know, but its quoted for season 2 ep.3 :D I dont believe youve used this phrase, ill have to check in the game, i dont die to often hahaha!

    1. That's not a bad idea, but I already used that phrase as Rarity's extreme death sound. There isn't much that can gib you in Open Beta 1, but it's there.
      Good! Dying is highly overrated.

  2. Dangit.... hmmmmm, could be, "Somepony QUICK get Rarity a blow dryer." Theres another off the top of my head hahaha!

  3. nice phrase XD but it sounds like somepony else said it, and i guess the point is to make rarity say something, so how about re-making that phrase? like ''somepony QUICK get me a blow dryer''

    anyways, its hard to think of a good phrase XD cheers everyone

    1. I LIKE IT! Teamwork yo! Thats how its done hahahaha!

    2. Ooh, now I'm torn... That fits perfectly with her character; but then again, she drowned--and bringing a blow dryer into water is a bad idea.
      I dunno. I like it.

    3. oh snap HAHAHAHAHA i didnt think about that, blow dryer+water=death...x2! You could say its for when she gets out, mandidnt even cross my mind lol!

  4. are you goona make a download link to updates

    1. Yep! See that sidebar on the right? That's where I'll put the links to the updates.
      IF I HAD ANY.

      Sorry. It's been a little crazy on my end with school assignments and such. Also, most of what I've been working on recently is more housekeeping things (improving maps I've already done, making sure I check the "repeatable" button so you can open doors more than once, making sure the scripts work the way I want them to, making sure there aren't too many or too few enemies, hiding secrets).
      Open Beta 2 probably isn't coming out for a while. At the very latest, a new demo video in April, and released before June. Pinkie Promise.
      I can tell you that Open Beta 2 will have the complete first episode, with eight regular levels and a secret level that you will probably
      *puts on sunglasses*
      go bananas over.

    2. awwwww buut at the same time YEEEEEEAAAH! (like you said). The longer we wait the better itll be because of the wait:D..... at least thats what im going with WOOOOOOoooo! So June, ill hold you to your Pinkie Promise, you know what happens when you dont keep it, just watch s.2 ep.14 :D yeah that.... Have fun!
