Thursday, November 24, 2016


I'm grateful for computers, doom, ponies, muscle memory, computer mice (have you ever tried using doombuilder with a touchpad? Don't), flash drives (one that contains all of raridoom) that don't disappear, paychecks, and for the fact that my wife (who I am also grateful for, btw) agrees with me on just how crazy my family is.

Happy thanksgiving!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today on YouTube...

I found this video.
Someone has made a DooM map... in the shape of Rarity. I think this is mildly relevant.

Also I haven't gotten anything done for this mod in forever and am a terrible content creator. Sorry! But fear not, I refuse to let Raridoom just die.

Friday, January 15, 2016

DooM News

So John Romero released a new level for DooM for the first time in over twenty years. IWAD is doom1.wad, level is E1M8, and it's found here (dropbox link).

If he can do it, I wonder, why can't I?

John Romero, you have inspired me once more, and I haven't even played it yet!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Year's Resolution:

Finish this thing.

Maybe finish my other project, too.

Just a little short on motivation. I know what I'm going to do. I've found lots of good music. I've found a few techniques that I think will work well for what I want.

Also I was planning on doing a reunion cutscene towards the end, but now I'm not so sure. Mostly because it would also involve spriting. And we all know how much I love spriting.

Either way, I'll get it done. And that's a Pinkie Promise.