Wednesday, August 17, 2022

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide


So I was working on my maps and I realized that there was one area where you could hide from monsters with impunity, because they couldn't climb up the stairs. Turns out, the default maxstepheight for monsters is 24 units.


Modern problems require modern solutions.

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Lost Souls

I do not like them. I do not like them at all. They're quick, frustrating, take a decent chunk of health, and always seem to show up in groups and at the worst time.

But I finally got some sprites together for them none of the death sprites, but that's neither here nor there

And now I love them. 

I mean, I still hate them. One literally killed me in my last playtest. But now I love them. They're little yellow hornets and they fit in the game now and they fly and they're great.

So yeah. Expect them.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Pacifist Runs

Are these a thing? Or a big thing, I mean?

I remember someone mentioning how they couldn't get a 100% items run on some maps in Raridoom (esp. E1M8) because of monster placement (fixed that in my new project, btw; enemies only drop ammo now). And honestly, I hadn't even considered that. I mean, I thought 100% items was nice, but my favorite stat was 100% secrets. And 100% kills (E2M9 aside). There's just something thrilling about finding secrets. I blame that chainsaw visible from the window in Doom 1.

This question came about because I came across this Decino video and the sequel videos, and it turns out it's possible, but tricky, to do it in the originals. I haven't put any 'you must kill this monster for the door to open' parts in this current project, but the current map I'm working on takes a couple cues from E1M8, which does. And throwing in a couple more monsters means a lot of infighting (which may be a thing this time around?), but it's not enough to kill them. 

How disappointed would people be if peace was never an option?