Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Micro-update 20 Mar 2013

Just what it says on the tin. There's some words, some plans, and also some quick concept art that's more than likely going to change. So honestly, there's not much here. But still. It's been over a week without posting, and I gotta have SOME posting standards around here.
(and it's totally not because I bombed my chem test today and I want to feel mildly successful today)

So if you've played Chex Quest, you'll know that the final boss in level three is a replacement of the Cyberdemon, who was the last boss of E2M8 (the last level of episode 2 in the original DooM). Now, originally I had planned to set this monster as Queen Chrysalis (you can't just go into the hive and not have this boss battle. Seriously. This was like the first thing I planned. Even Open Beta 1 has the obituary "All hail Queen Chrysalis" if the player is killed by a cyberdemon.)

Thing is, I thought about it, and I realized that Chrysalis isn't a good replacement. She is powerful, yes, and a boss, yes; but not a giant monstrosity. She's a bit taller than most ponies but not ten times your size.

I then decided, you know what? I can make my own monster in DECORATE. So I did.
(ok, I haven't sprited her yet. But still.)

This means that Chrysalis will be her own creation. This means that I have no limits on what I want her to do. If I want to write a script that makes her shoot rockets one moment and a plasma beam the next, I can. If I want her to fly, I just have to add two tags to her definition. I can add a part in her definition that makes her randomly throw back her head and laugh tauntingly. I can even make her randomly teleport around the room and shoot at you. Yes, I know how to do all this (in theory). Yes, I intend to do all this. Good luck, suckers.

This also means that the Cyberdemon needs replacing and will probably be the final boss for Episode 2. Yes, it will be exciting. No, it won't be Trixie. Current design looks a bit like it has Doc Ock arms; but since the cyberdemon has no melee attack, that's probably going to change.

You know, I had a point to all of this, but I can't remember what it was now. So here's some concept art that will probably change.

If you've played Open Beta 1 and you've found the crappy secret level, you'll notice that my avatar shoots three slimeballs at a time. He replaces a mancubus (mainly as a personal in-joke; mancubuses are fat and I'm not exactly the posterboy for any gym), but then I realized--just like the red spitters and flying spitters, I can make the same enemy with different sprites using the "stealth" option. So expect a green changeling dual-wielding cannons standing on their hind legs sometime in Episodes 2 and 3 (which probably won't be released in Open Beta 2 because I'm not done with the storylines in that part yet. See, they're using mechanical things, and that's a plot point later).
(Is it obvious why I vector everything yet?)
Mancubi are fairly tough enemies with more health, so they might be wearing more armor. We'll see.

As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated.
(and not just 'lol u can't art' because I know that already)


  1. Hmmmmmmm, ive read this a few times and for some reason my mind cant grasp it hahahaha! Im blank. So your thinking of who to make as the replacement of the Cyberdemon, could be a GIANT PARASPRITE hahahaha! Nah, ill keep thinking. Maybe one of the Princesses like Cadence or Celestia O.O, that would be interesting... Im trying to think BIG here hahaha!
    So when will you fight Chrysalis?
    Oh, your art is better than mine would be, its beautiful :D

  2. I don't think Chrysalis would be happy with a false Cadence running around because Cadence beat her in the first place...
    Chrysalis is the last boss battle in the game. Episode 3 Map 8. Beat her and you win the game.
    At least, that's the plan so far.

    Thanks! I try.
