Saturday, July 13, 2013

So today I woke up and...

...I decided, you know, I have ground spitters and flying spitters, I have berserks and bumblebees, I should make a flying drone, too, because they fly in the show and it will make the players use more ammo, but won't completely overwhelm them.

So I did.

I also made it so the bumblebees don't drop armor shards anymore, but that's not very important right now.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Do you ever want to throw your hands up and say...

"You know what? Forget it. I'm turning in this assignment"?

That's kindof how I'm feeling with my mod right now. But I won't release it just yet. I still have to do the Trixie sprites and the intermission pictures, but I did finish the levels and find music for all of the levels and changed a basic gameplay thing (the imps/spitters no longer drop armor shards; now the berserks, bumblebees, and captains do. Also, the captains/armored changelings have more health--80 as opposed to 30--and are a bit faster now).