Friday, September 27, 2013

So I should be studying for an MMBio test I have to take tomorrow...

Instead, I'm derping around on the repository on realm667 and I get to thinking. There is plenty of gore in DooM. Plenty of destruction and death. But me, I'm making a nice little pony game, right? No need for dead ponies everywhere.

And then I thought, Nah.

It's not like Rarity is the first to stumble into the hive, after all.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013


It's a term that refers to when the wind dies and you're at sea. I was in the doldrums. I hadn't worked on this game in over two weeks and I was very, very tempted to just call it a hiatus, release it as 1.9, and call it good, because I just didn't want to work on it.

Then I thought, but no, it can't be true! I could fly if I- wait, that's a song from Toy Story, nvm. No flying in this game, unicorns can't fly.
and I know rarity did in canon shut up

But the thing is, I figured I'd sit down and fix the weapons.
I'm still missing a few frames in the alt-fire of the TwiBlast, but as of right now, this is what the weapons will look like in Open Beta 2.

I'm exhausted as if you couldn't tell from my rambling, missing punctuation and stuff like that so yeah there's no commentary but I did show off all the weapons and randomized pain sounds so watch enjoy suggest new things that sort of thing

(still need voice actress)