Friday, February 2, 2018

Good news and bad news

Good news is I'm moving in the next couple weeks, so it'll be really nice to be somewhere I don't need three layers of clothing just to feel warm.

Bad news is I can't find my flash drive. The flash drive with all the raridoom stuff on it. The flash drive with my work files and iwads and wads and a resource wad on it. That flash drive.

I'm 98% certain that it'll turn up. But there's still that 2% chance that it's gone, vanished into that ether where missing socks and such go.

I did make good backups of the rarity.wad file in a separate location (always do this!), so not too much has been lost. I think. i hope But I really, really hope that it turns up. Most of what's left is spriting, anyway.

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