Saturday, December 7, 2013

Los hoofblades...

I don't like them.

More after the break.

That's not to say they're a bad weapon. I love the chainsaw; I just don't like the sprites I have for them. So I've been thinking of new ideas on how to draw them.

I've got noth- Well, not entirely nothing. Hexen has the gauntlets of the necromancer which is weaponwise a chainsaw but uses magic sparks. I could use that.

But I love the chainsaw (I have ever since I found the shareware DooM) so I kindof want Rarity holding something, no matter how OOC it is. Remember, even in Doom II, Doomguy found chainsaws on the moon--a place devoid of plant life.

I've considered something like the angle grinder of FreeDoom (it's exactly what it says it is... it's got a round, rotating metal saw blade on the end instead of a chain for a saw), but I'm really not sure how that would work.

So I've decided to turn to others for help. That means you. Yeah, you, reading this silly update. What should the chainsaw look like? Deadly sparks from above (Rarity's horn)? Redo my four-blade design (maybe actually taking perspective into account this time? I swear I've improved as an artist over the year...)? Give her an actual chainsaw for the lulz? Something completely different? Please drop a comment.

Also, on an unrelated side note, if you build new structures where you formerly had water sectors, be sure to clear your sector tags. Otherwise the "transfer heights" property that gives you water properties will still transfer, leaving your things flat and leaving you very confused. For hours. Hours, I say.

It's finals week soon, and I don't want to study; so expect a new playtest video soon.

That is all.


  1. I'd say the horn would be the least fun, but the most realistic((Or as much as a cartoon unicorn will get)), the 4 blade thing is somewhat fun, and somewhat realistic, and the chainsaw would be the most fun, and least realistic.

    My preference, though, would be the chainsaw. That would be hilarious.

  2. I think the obvious answer would be a diamond-edge saw blade, because diamonds.

    1. You speak truth... No matter which version wins in the poll, the description will have "diamond-edged" in it.
