Monday, June 17, 2013

Updates... updates everywhere. Also regression but that's fine too

So Randy updated zdoom about a week ago, but slowpoke me just now downloaded it.

Good news--everything still works fine.

Bad news--when I unzipped it, I replaced the zdoom.pk3 file. Now that might not mean much to you, but it means that I lost most of the text strings *(addendum: Fixed and tested all text strings) AND the ability to just play straight raridoom (now the engine thinks it's a PWAD for chex3, not an IWAD). This brings up another problem I've foreseen--someone trying to play this wad in something other than zdoom. Some people prefer Zandronum, or even Vavoom for their dooming needs. That's cool, except I dunno if it'll play on those ports automatically. I would like it to, but I don't know if it will. *(addendum: So far, it looks like zdoom will play it straight with the modified pk3, but for other engines you might have to download Chex Quest 3 and play it as a mod)

So the project is a little behind. That's not including the fact that I still need to
1) sprite the pain elementals
2) finish the updated trixieling sprites
3) finish the Rarity sprites
4) draw the intermission pictures
5) code in the intermission pictures
6) make sure that everything I changed in zdoom.pk3 gets modified in rarity.wad
7) update the coverart (so far just a sketch) and other information slides
8) figure out what the heck to do about the weapons because I hate the long black bar thingy
...dang, I'm behind.

But since I hate being the bearer of bad news, here's some good news to balance it out.

I've been making some of the levels look prettier, and I think it really adds to the game. Jadwick made me a map (and it is a real challenge!) and it inspired me to add more little things. I know my mapmaking skills are not on his level yet, but I'm feeling proud of them.

Also! This part I think is really cool. When you're in a FPS, there are a few questions that flow through your mind. 1) Where is more ammo? and 2) What is this thing and how long until it dies?!?

I can't answer number one. But I can answer number two. I've bound the S key (for scanning haha I'm so clever!) to a pointer that brings back what you're looking at, how much health it started with, and how much health it has now.

Also notice the improved mugshots, and the skybox that actually looks somewhat like a skybox now.
Oh gosh looking back open beta 1 embarrasses me...

So yeah. That's about it for now.

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