Friday, June 28, 2013

So lazy...

Promised Open Beta 2 sometime this month almost done kindof.

Maps are pretty much done. They just need some new texturing, but for a beta, it's ready.

Monsters need some work. I didn't do the Trixieling sprites, I didn't do the Rarisprites, and the Pain Elemental's sprites are recolors of the fluffy ponies. Yeah. I'm that lazy. But it gets better: I didn't feel like doing the attack sprites for all five rotations, so they have a 0, indicating that they'll always appear like that no matter which way it's actually facing (kindof like the SS in Doom II. Except my game doesn't allow infighting).

Random tangent: As I was thinking about spriting (and how much I dislike it), the idea occurred to me that I could have Colgate as the Revenant. She can bash you with her toothbrush or fling toothpaste at you. That's a fun idea. Too bad it'll prolly not get done for a while... ah well. I'm pretty sure I can recolor and reexport the Fake-ra sprites fairly easily.

Anyway... I promised it this month, and I still have two more days to finish spriting, drawing, and coding the intermissions. I think I can do it.

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