Saturday, April 13, 2013


Nothing like life to give you a nice, swift kick in the teeth. Semester ending happened much sooner than expected, so I had a bunch of projects for school that I needed to finish because I'm lazy and put them all off. Kindof like what I'm doing with raridoom...
Anyway! Ramblings after the break. Not much going on here, check out the "help out" page if you want. As soon as I get around to making it, that is.

I promised a video at the beginning of April, but I really don't have anything new and good to show. When I said that, I was referring to the April Fool's Day video I had planned. So I wasn't planning on releasing a new video anyway. Sorry about that. See, I forgot it was Easter that weekend, and so of course I had to go home, and, well, I just ran out of time.

On the bright side, I sat down and playtested through all the first episode. All the maps are done (the later ones just need better wall textures and decorations), and I only found four bugs. Sure, they were huge game-breaking bugs (music error, infighting flag unset, forgetting to flip a linedef and making an important door unopenable, and the Pain Elementals in E1M6), but there were only four. So I am already ahead of schedule.

I've also converted the majority of the sprites to DooM format instead of .png. What does that mean for you? Pretty much nothing, except now the game is 1000 kb smaller. Also, since DooM format doesn't permit transparency, the letters (which were transparent around the edges) looked funny being that huge, and now are shrunk to their normal size, just like the original DooM, and I think it looks much better.

Anyway. I feel like typing more because it's been so long since I last posted.
Behold, my April Fool's Day plan. It was going to be brilliant.
Nothing in italics is to be taken literally.

There are so many pony game developers giving up on pony or getting shut down (like Pony Tactics, Questria, Filly Gamez, Fighting is Magic, Budding Friendships... Dude, now I'm getting depressed...) I figured that the safest way to avoid these things was to take a new tact entirely: use a fanmade character.
Behold, your new protagonist: Li'l Miss Rarity (not quite safe for work link).

 Just look at the fear in his eyes!
Why, yes, I did just take out a cacodemon in two swipes, thank you very much.
Frankly, LMR might enjoy dying just a little too much...
All she has is her butcher's knife, and she can't pick up any other weapons, but frankly, that's all she needs. Well, except for throwing a sewing machine (altfire). I'm in the process of eliminating the other weapons, and changing the status bar so you don't see the parts that aren't necessary.
Hope you enjoy the new and improved game!

But seriously, though. I had so much "fun" programming her that she's now a canon part of the game. If you find a little patch of poison joke, you morph into Li'l Miss Rarity for a few minutes. She is a bit slower walking but just as fast running, she can jump but can't crouch, and her knife can take out a Bon Bon Barrier in around four hits. Needless to say, this won't be a powerup that will be common, or easy to find. But hey! Adventure!


  1. brilliant idea, and it fits the doom style, you know, using lil miss rarity for those parts, also, nice to hear from you, its good to hear there are lazy ppl actually trying to get over the lazyness... well, good things are happening so

    cheers =D

  2. YAY PROGRESS! Li'l Miss Rarity sounds awesome :D
