Thursday, February 8, 2024

Little Update

The Freedoom project put out an update about a week and a half ago. They've redone some sprites and some textures, which is fun, and also most of the strings, which I wasn't expecting. I mean, I like making the strings relevant (I'm still proud of 'Rarity ruined her mane in the slime'), but I wasn't really expecting 'Put on a force field vest.' when I picked up the green armor (the blue red armor now says 'attuned force field armor', which was a cool word but one I did have to look up). And as much as I like the new armor bonuses (red is my favorite color), it just makes me realize I'm not sure what I want to do for them for my game. 😕

Guess that means I should do an update, too. I've been fighting the statusbar (ever realized that the flag you set that you were certain you needed was the one that was messing things up? yeah, good times...) and honestly I'm not sure how much people use it anymore. But I like it still.

Also I made some nice, new Rarity mugshots and dang it, they will be used.

Also pulled out UDB again recently. It had been a while since I'd done any mapping (I was so many versions behind...), so opening one and going 'oh, hey, that's a cacodemon, i did do that' was a pleasant surprise. I'm already 20 maps (+2) down, but my second-biggest concern is everything looking flat--I've been watching a lot of David's videos and every beginner's map, he'll comment on how just adjusting the floor height or ceiling height a little bit makes a big difference in making things look better. I've been going through the maps, trying to add some greebles here and there. I wouldn't expect an open beta for raridoom2 anytime soon, but it is happening. 

but the weirdest freedoom update is that they added a 'jump' noise every time you jump and let me tell you i was not expecting that in the slightest


  1. Love to hear the beta is going to happen eventually, I'll be waiting for it. Keep cooking, I do think it's a good idea to polish the maps up. Take as long as you need to finish it. Any plans for other characters to be playable so multiplayer can flow nicely? I still run through normal Raridoom with friends, even if we all play as Rarity it's still fun, but more characters would make for a better co-op experience, or add replay value to the game, too.

    1. That's awesome! I'm glad the multiplayer is working. :-)
      I hadn't thought of it (I suppose I could switch which unicorn it is?), but many years ago, I thought a Ponyville Paintball game would be cool. You could play as one of the CMC, with Apple Bloom having higher defense but could use the fewest weapons, Sweetie Belle could use any because magic, but she was the weakest, and Scootaloo in between but the fastest. The amount of spriting, though...

  2. Finally beat Raridoom Custom Edition on Nightmare Mode. I also skipped Pinkie's Playland entirely with one jump, lol. You might have to cheese proof your maps from me in the sequel. >:) This was so great to finally complete. I hope Raridoom 2 is possible on Nightmare, I will definitely do it...
