Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fool's Day

So what usually happens on this day is, I think of something, draw it (usually late), put it up; and then end up liking it enough to put it in the mod.

This year, I have skipped that step. Instead, I just put my idea in (it's a spriting thing, so it might take a while to get implemented) and played a map someone named Artem sent me almost a year ago. It's... something, that's for sure.
It says Jadwick as the map name, but that's because E3M5 in the actual game is his map.

Anyway... Open Beta 3 is probably coming out sometime in June. I'm sorry I've been gone for so long; but Raridoom is still alive and kicking.

...well, punching, I suppose; but if I could figure out how to code a good rear kick as an altfire I'd definitely consider it.

This video was actually the product of my third take; my second I actually hit the wrong number and so I did a pistol-start playthrough of actual map E2M4. If you want to see that, I can upload that, too; but I did (accidentally) reveal a couple secret things so if you like finding those yourself don't look.


  1. I made you a mod. Took me a couple weeks to make. Please don't put my hard work to waste.

    1. Ooh, thanks! I appreciate it when people contrib-

  2. then... some notes...
    1) Thanks
    2) The platform that does rise effect and makes the other lines lose texture was the exit, but it was tagged Endgame instead of end map, and it does nothing.
    3) The "secret" wooden wall is shoot the wall secret. The midtexture of that wall is bricks, though, so the secret is through a brick texture under wood texture that rose when shot at...
    4) On difficulty level 4, the summit (curvy pathway ending with invisible teleporter) has G&P Trixieling on it, making it kind of boss arena... overall, all that water area was incorrectly scaled, the pathways should have been less wide, windows not on height where they could be useful etc. so that area doesn't really provide what it should have - that is, position-based shooting together with platforming. It's too wide and/or incomplete for that.

    1. Wow I did not get this notification... sorry. Thanks, blogger! >.>
      I once spent a week unable to figure out why my game always ended after E3M5 and it turns out I'd tagged the line EndGame instead of EndNormal, so I really can't judge you there. :-/
      Oh, I'm absolute rubbish at finding shooting secrets (ironic, because you have to shoot one to get to E1's secret level...). Every one I've found has been on accident/result of a 'spray and pray' attack.
      Ooh, that would have been fun; but I'm not quite good enough to play on the harder levels... :sheepish:
      Incomplete, maybe; but it was still fun to play and larger and better-designed than some of the levels I've made. Thanks again for sharing!
