Frequently Asked Questions / Ask me a question

Hopping on the bandwagon yet again, I have decided to create a page which consists only of a list of questions people have asked me, questions I would ask me, questions I wish people would ask me, and questions I feel like answering just to appear smart. If there's a question you want answered that's not on the list, add it in the comments.

Q) WTF is this?
A) This is a ponified version of Chex Quest, which is a modified version of DooM. If I had to start over knowing what I know now, I probably would have started with a DooM wad, but I manage just fine. If you don't know what DooM is, I will be very disappointed.

Q) WTF is that?
A) ... next question.

Q) Why are the controls so weird?
A) I left the controls pretty much the same as DooM's defaults--move with arrow keys, shoot with control, strafe with alt, spacebar as action button, and shift to run. When I added other controls, I kept them close by, so I didn't have to move my hands as much. Problem is, DooM is from the early 90s, and games have evolved a lot since then. New engines (this engine) have more features, like mouselook, jump, and crouch, that the original DooM just didn't have, and so these controls quickly fell out of use. Although not a gamer by any means, I did once catch my fingers going to WASD, so I understand if people want them different. You can either change them from the in-game menu, or pray that I figure out a way to get the game to recognize different configurations.

Q) Where are the secrets?
A) If I told you, they wouldn't be secrets, now, would they? But yes, there are secrets. Open Beta 1 even has a secret level accessible from E1M4, but it's really lame and I have improved it drastically since then. I plan to put one secret level in each episode, and I want to avoid spoilers but I can say I think you'll enjoy them a lot.

Q) Cheat codes?
A) My editing program doesn't allow for changing cheats, so any DooM cheat will work. I'm especially amused by the mugshot sprites for iddqd, and idkfa is a personal favorite. idchoppers is always a fan-favorite, too.

Q) How long have you been working on this?
A) Longer than I should have been. At least since after the season two finale, obviously, and before season three started. In fact, one of the taunting quit messages in Open Beta 1 is, "Unless season three has started, you have no excuse to leave." That's how long it's been. Now that season three is over, I'm going to have to change that, huh?

Q) Who all is on your team?
A) Me, myself, and I. Yeah. I took a couple sprites from punkypie8 and got a volunteer to be my beta tester (basically, his job was, 'can you beat the game if you don't know where the secrets are?'), but everything else is all me. Spriting, programming, level building, everything but the textures is me. I do have a couple people who made guest maps for me (they'll appear in Episode Three and I freely admit their maps are better, if harder). I also got this wonderful person to be the voice actress for Rarity.

Q) When does the new beta come out?
A) I have three monsters left to sprite before Open Beta 2 releases, so maybe before March, maybe mid-April. Open Beta 2 will have episode one and episode two complete (and by 'complete' I mean as of right now. Heck, even Plutonia had a few bugs on release--namely tagging a yellow key 'multiplayer only'--and I'm not expecting these maps to be perfect either).


  1. When can we expect another build of the game to play/test? And if one is already out that isn't the open beta on Equestria Gaming, where can we find it?

    1. I hate to sound like a tool, but... when I'm done with it. The next version to come out will be like the shareware Doom, with just the first episode, and then the full version later.
      The one on EQG is the only build I've released, but I'll be sure to put a permalink in the sidebar when I do get done with it.
      Good news: the levels of episode 1 are all built. They just need retouching and fixed textures. Bad news: I still need to fix a couple coding bugs (for example, if you kill both cacodemons in the first room of E1M6 at once, like with a rocket, the door doesn't open like it should) and do the Pain Elemental sprites (also in E1M6). I would say by the latest, the beginning of June.

  2. Hey :) I'm an avid doom player and I'm somewhat knowledgeable in doom modding (mostly mapping). If you need an extra pair of hands i would be happy to help although I'm a little lazy as well. As long as you give me a deadline i should get it done :)

    Would you like a hand if so is there anyway we could contact one another?

    1. Mapping is good. I could always use more maps.
      I usually have them in Doom in Hexen format (ACS is ok) but whatever you're most comfortable with.
      Email is best.

  3. Were do you get the pin ups at?
    Why not make this a standalone game?

    1. If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, it was originally by junglepony but it's been so long it's been removed from DeviantArt. :-/ Where they were is in the 'more credits.txt' in the folder.
      I was originally just modifying the Chex Quest .wad and I didn't know any better. If I do another game, it'll be standalone wad for sure.

  4. Where is the soundtrack from?

    1. YouTube and, mostly. The actual links are in the "more credits.txt" file, but some of them are no longer active. :-/
