Rarity opened the door to her boutique and took a deep breath of the morning air. Such a lovely day. It was nice and peaceful and quiet.
Too quiet.
And unfortunately, something was quickly going to change that.
Rarity jumped slightly as a scroll burst into existence in a flash of flames right in front of her eyes. As Rarity squinted to read the note which was written in Pinkie Pie's scribble, her eyes widened in shock.
Hey, Rarity! I'm so glad you're reading this, because that means that you're coming to rescue us!! By the time you read this, though, we'll probably be in cocoons or already changed or something, but hopefully you can come and rescue us in time before we turn into big, mean, goo-shooting changelings! "Changeling Pie" really doesn't have the same ring to it as "Pinkie Pie", now, does it?
Rarity was a little confused by this.
So, in case you didn’t know, we’ve been captured by the changelings.
Ah. Now it made sense.
They have Sweetie Belle, too.
Rarity's jaw dropped. Sweetie Belle? Her dearest little sister? In the dark, dank, damp lair of the changelings? Ooh, somepony was going to pay!
I guess they thought she was you because the Changeling Queen was saying something about having all the elements to herself and how now nopony would be able to stop her, and then she laughed. Not like a good, happy laugh; more like an angry, evil laugh. She’s a bit of a big meanie so I hope you get here soon!
"Oh, don't worry," Rarity seethed. "I'm leaving right now. And if one hair of her mane is harmed, so help me..."
There's a lot of dark magic here that kindof interferes with the magic you usually do, so don't even try teleportation or levitation or anything. Twilight tried, and she threw up! I know you hate it when that happens. But! Your simple spark does work, and Twilight tossed out a few attack spells so hopefully you can find them, because some of these changelings wear heavy armor. She’s actually saving up some magic to send this to you right now, so I hope you get it, because she’s going to be siiiick for a while afterwards!
Rarity winced.
The daisies here are good to eat, and I saw some tulips and roses around, too. They’re really tasty, even if they are a little rare. Ha! Because your name is Rarity? That’s funny. I also dropped a few cupcakes totally on accident, so if you find one, go ahead and eat it! You won’t regret it! Also, I saw some shed exoskeletons--isn’t that such a fun word to say?-- and I bet you could totally use them for armor or something.
How... delightful a prospect. Rarity looked back down.
I bet you’ll want to know about the different Changelings there are here, and since I was taken on a special guided tour, I can tell you all about them! Though they really should have done something about the accommodations. Being tied up and dragged through the cavern isn’t nearly as fun as taking a hot air balloon ride or something. There are blue ones, armored ones, red ones, and yellow ones... so many colors! Just zap 'em til they drop.
Rarity looked up, a deadpan look crossing her face. How remarkably unhelpful.
I thought I saw Lyra in here, too, so if you can find her, maybe she can help. Or maybe she’s just a really powerful changeling because having to attack one of your friends is one of the most terriblest, most terrifying thing that they can ever think of!
Oh, and you might have to fight the Changeling Queen to get us out of here.
Twilight's ready to send it, so I just have time to say one more thing. Good luck, Rarity!
Rarity pulled on her saddlebag and grinned as she marched out the door.
"Oh, it's not me who'll be needing luck, Pinkie. Oh, no. Not by a long shot."