Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Chrysalis - The Changeling Queen by Wreky on DeviantArt

One day, she will be a small, sprited, pixellated final boss (I mean, that's not a spoiler, right? Everyone was expecting that, right?) but until then, enjoy some Queen Chrysalis in her full glory.

It's been pretty slow working (organic chemistry...) but it's coming along. I had someone named michael send me two emails' worth of bugs, so I'll be doing a little squashing this week (so shoutout to him).

I also have tried to make a few more maps, so at this rate, Open Beta 3 will have all of episode 1-3 done (aside from some cosmetic enhancements in the levels...) and maybe some of the beginning of episode 4. Maybe.
Everyone likes a good slaughter map, right? Are those still a thing?

Friday, May 8, 2015


So I've been watching a few Let's Plays recently, and it has occurred to me that Rarity vs the Changelings would make a pretty good RPG.

But since I haven't done anything with RPG Maker in years and barely remember how to work it, Fear not; I'll stick with DooM for now.

Then again, most of the spriting for that engine is already done...

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Anger by mrs1989 on DeviantArt

I want this as the splash page on raridoom. Would this or would it not psych you up for the game?

On an unrelated side note, I am retaking organic chemistry. For the third time. For those of you who do not believe that humans have souls, let me reassure you that we do; because mine is being forcibly crushed and then slowly and painfully drained from my body. 

Yeah. Not much has been going on.

I really appreciate all of you who are sticking with me throughout all this. People can make games in months and I can't get my silly little mod done in years. But once summer term rolls around, there will be no more chemistry, so I'm giving a tentative release date for open beta (three? Wow, I've been gone for too long…) in early June.

Yes, of this year.