Saturday, November 9, 2013


No, I'm not copypastaing anything. This entry is called that because I copied and pasted a lot (read: three) monster definitions to make room for others... which you can read about after the break.

When I first started this project, I was replacing sprites and that's it. Being rather lazy, I learned how to use DECORATE to remove frames I didn't want to draw. That's great... until I get to the changeling pack, the PWAD I'm working on for regular DooM II. As it is now, sprites from the old revenant show up mid-run and I'm like whaaaaa? And I don't really want to add too much DECORATE code in the changeling pack, just to try and keep it clean.

If it's not already readily apparent, I am quite glad it is the weekend. I missed a midterm and a paper this week alone, and I'm not entirely happy about that.

So what would a normal person do? Probably invest in Mountain Dew, work hard all night long, and then beg the professors on bended knee to take the assignment and to permit me to sit the test.

What do I do? I move the Bon Bon Barrier to its own, new monster, freeing up the Hell Knight spot. I then move the behemoth sprites to the Hell Knight spot, because the number of frames I've drawn is the exact number it calls. I then prepare a new idea for a revenant (Col-fake, anyone?). Then I open up the mancubus spot by moving my personal monster to the stealth mancubus spot, and prepare to draw those sprites and consider posting the progress from sketch to finish project so people can see how I make the sprites. Then I move one of the minibosses to its own, new monster, reworking her so she's not just a flembomination re-sprite. That frees up space for the Spider Mastermind spot and the arachnotron spot. I also realize that no one is going to offer a Rarity voice for me, so I search youtube for Rarity VA auditions and find them myself (I've got two or three I'm looking at contacting. Also, protip: if you're doing an audition, don't put "omg this is bad" in the description because that's going to get passed over instantly). Then I get inspired in art history class to make a map (E2M5) that looks kindof like the floorplan of a really old church, with a starting room shaped like a huge octagon (with bridges), columns, a fancy floor, and more large drop-offs and plenty of lifts and Trixielings, and it's now 2/3 done.

So yeah. I'm weird, I guess.

On an unrelated side note, if you take out the "BonBonBarrier inherits from Fakera" part of the code in an attempt to clean up the code a bit, make sure you know what's going to be missing, like, oh, I don't know... the monster flag. If that flag's not set, you end up with a Bon Bon Barrier that you cannot shoot but which will happily shoot you. I do not recommend this.

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