Wednesday, December 30, 2020

RariDoom v .8.1

Hotfixes! Get your hotfixes here.

The broken door in E4M7 was literally fixed with two clicks and one keypress, but it bugged me enough that once I fixed it, I went through the maps once more, just to check things out. I put the music in E2M8, found another bunch of door tracks either missing the track texture or missing the 'lower unpegged' flag (sighs in E3M2... sighs harder in E3M3... shakes head in despair at E3M8), added a few more decorations, and expanded E2M7, just for fun. Don't think anything changed enough to give it a higher version number, but it definitely feels like an improvement to me.

Get just the wad here; or, if you haven't downloaded the game yet, the full download here.

If you'd like a slightly different take on this game, check out Custom Edition! There are new sounds and new attacks from the changelings, the weapons actually look like magic spells, there are light effects, and a brutal final boss battle. It's a ton of fun. Even the quit sounds are great. The spoiler-ific YouTube video is here, or click here to download the mod directly. Good luck!