Thursday, February 21, 2019

It is News

Well, if you haven't heard, it's been confirmed that this upcoming season is the last season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

It's kinda funny, really. I've been seeing tributes and nostalgia, people saying things like, "Oh, I'll miss the show", "I'm so sad it's over", "what a great run it was", "I don't know what I'll do now" and I'm imagining the show shouting from off-camera "stop telling people I'm dead, I still have one more season!" and the fandom responding wistfully, "sometimes I can still hear their voice".

I have to say, when I first started this project, I didn't expect it to take this long to finish. Season 2 had just ended, and we were looking at a hiatus. I hadn't modded DooM since I played around with sprite replacement with MS Paint in XWE back in 2005 (did you know the original doom.exe will crash if the grimace/EVL sprite isn't exactly lined up? I learned that. There was much confusion), but I figured it'd be fun, a quick little thing.

I was half-right.

I remember editing text strings first. I had a quit message referencing the premiere of season 3, and another referencing Littlest Pet Shop (which, for context if you're new to the fandom, ran from 2012-2016 and had some staff/VAs that were shared. RIP Twilight Barkle). Needless to say, those have had to be updated.

Then it was just the sprites. Then I figured maps might be fun. I figured I'd just do the three levels of five maps each, like Chex Quest. I now have four episodes with eight maps each, and a secret level for each episode.

So yeah. It's grown a lot. It got a lot more attention than I ever expected. I keep coming back to old maps and changing things, redoing things. Maps I was like "yes, this is perfect!" I play again and say things like, "Yes, this is a mess!" or "this is a box" or "wait, what was I thinking here?", "where's that secret again?" or "is this too easy for how late in the episode it is?"

But my own self-doubt aside, it's been a ton of fun. And I can't wait for you all to play it.



  1. It's funny really. I've been replaying this since two days ago. One episode per day. It really reminds me of times when fandom was active in terms of fan games.
    Can't wait for a new version still.

  2. i remember finding this mod back in 2013 i've been following this project ever since and it's what got me to start making my own levels for doom, thank you for continuing to work on this project let's hope you can get this finished by the time the show ends ^^

  3. Even after all this time I'm still hyped for the final version. Thanks for the awesome wads.

  4. Glad to hear from ya. Looking forward for the final version.
