The good news (for you) is that I'm sick and tired of feeling like I'm letting people down and being a slacker OP who never gets around to delivering, so I'm releasing Open Beta 2. Yep. Download it here. Everything you need is self-contained the .zip file; rarimusic is an additional wad with music in .mp3 format that I think add a lot to the game but also add a crapton of size to the file, so I split it. Just drag and drop rarity.wad to zdoom.exe and you'll be playing in no time (but don't forget to change your settings in-game; the default ones don't even allow mouselook).
Looking back, I'm pretty sure I promised it in June of last year, so, as usual, I'm a figurative day late and a dollar short; but hey, OP finally delivered. There's another couple of enemies I haven't sprited yet that will have to wait until episode three, I've used a couple of placeholder sprites (especially on the final boss), some of the levels are too light for my liking, I'm sure I'm missing a texture here and there, and I have a few other minor things (
Also looking back, it's kindof cool to see how far I've come. I've got old files from October 2012 and even further back. It's been a fun ride... and I'm just getting started.
I want your first impressions; I want to know what you think of the game. I've been lurking zdoom forums and it seems like pony stuff isn't exactly welcomed with open arms, but there are some people who believe it could work. Also, as far as I know, this is the first ever TC wad and not just pre-alpha version wads or sprite replacement MSPaint-a-hoof-over-doomguy's-hands stuff, so I guess we'll see.
tl;dr download open beta 2 here.