Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Feeling like a codemonkey--and I love it!

So as my last post indicated, I lost all my zdoom.pk3 modifications when I downloaded the new version of zdoom. But, since I really enjoyed the altfire (grenade toss) of the rocket launcher and the shorter reload time of the super shotgun, I decided I would try and recreate those modifications, but only using the .wad file. This required a lot of research.

But it was well worth it. I've been feeling inspired. Though I got no spriting or drawing done, I got plenty of other stuff done. Of note:

Levels have been modified, adding a few more decorations (if you're modding, I have found some good stuff on

Strings have been retyped, and I added a few more quit messages (I love these. So much.)

I created Rarity as a new class, so now it will always say Rarity instead of ChexWarrior.

Weapons names have been changed (so now you don't have to remember the Chex Quest names. Instead of  "summon phasingzorcher", you can just type in "summon flamethrower").

Level names, episode names, and difficulty level names have been updated. Mainly because I learned that they don't require graphics but can be created through text in mapinfo.

Behemoths (revenants) now have normal flemoid behavior--their attacks do not hurt each other (and thus will not spark infighting. Suckas!). Trixielings (chaingun guys) are now immune to slime damage, as well, but their bullets can still inflict damage (so remember that for E1M7).

The game now bobs ever so slightly when you're standing still.

I've also discovered that you can have different pain sounds depending on how hurt you are.

But the best thing is, it's basically now a pwad for Chex Quest 3. This means that you can play it on any source port that can play Chex Quest, not just zdoom. You want to play on gzdoom? Skulltag? Zandronum? Any other childport of zdoom? Not a problem. Does your port accept DECORATE and ACS? Then you can play.

These are probably little things, but I'm excited about them. And now you know I'm not dead.

There's also something else I found. There's an option for a level difficulty that's like Heaven or Hell from the Devil May Cry series. Everything--including you--dies in one hit. I'm not sure if anyone would play this... but they might. Should I put it in?

Also, I still need ideas on what to use for weapons instead of that long black bar.


  1. Awesome dude, sounds like you making good progress (and having fun with it :D). Heck yeah id like to play that Heaven or Hell mode.... if you have the rapid fire though it might make it too easy, maybe if you could modify it so you could only do melee XD that would be crazy! There's a long black bar? Never saw that hahaha, well ideas ummm, trying to think of something in the MLP universe.... only thing i can think of is something along the lines of different color books or such because they are spells she is using, and they learn the spells from books :D.... sorry thats all i got off the top of my head hahaha! I'm super excited to play it when its done or even the next Beta, KEEP GOING!

    1. The black bar meaning the weapon sprites. A book might work...

      Ah, but you're forgetting that ANYTHING kills you. The overspray from fireballs. Stepping in slime ONCE. It's a hard, hard difficulty.
      Oh, and I disabled cheats. On the bright side, the monsters aren't fast, and they don't respawn.

    2. oooo your right, forgot about the slime and stuff hahaha, still i am all for it, if people don't want to play it they don't have too but for us who would have fun with it, it would be a fun extra!
      You could also do a scroll. Something a spell would be on. Possibly even a crystal, don't know how that would tie in though.
