Saturday, May 18, 2013

Microphone troubles... no video just yet. :-/

Have a slightly relevant picture for now.

Also, I feel bad that it's been like a year since I started and we're still on Open Beta 1. I was tempted to just release episode one (like the shareware version of Doom I) but I've been promising a lot and delivering a little, so I dunno.


  1. Its alright man, keep at it! The few and the strong will be here for when its ready :D..... and help any way we can. Personally id rather see it take you alot longer and have it be awesome than to spit out something quick like. But again KEEP GOING, and i love the pic by the way! You gonna use it for the new cover or menu pic or something along those lines?

    1. I'd like to, but I'm not sure how to get permission to do so, as I don't have a da account.
      All the other posters I used from da are either wallpapers or said in the description that I could use them, and I asked permission from the musicians, but this one says nothing.

  2. Dude i wrote this super long comment then i accidentally hit the wrong button and well lost it all..... ugh. Well basically its super easy to make an account if you want to ask permission blah blah blah, if you want i could ask (though i've never asked permission to use a picture before, how hard can it be, right?) blah blah blah. Yep that was the central message minus all the silly stories i told and crazy "what-ifs" which sadly i forgot as quickly as i hit the wrong button. Yep.... let me know :D

  3. Started working on a map finally, it might have a few textures loaded with it.

    Right now I'm only using the monsters in beta01, b/c I know how they act and attack. Can't wait for beta02 monsters.

    Are we using the difficulty levels?

    Also, I have a design idea to throw at you; instead of using different ammo for every spell, what about have each spell just use a different amount of mana? Then you can even have a slow mana regeneration rate (which you could upgrade throughout the game, by finding secrets for example).


    1. Ooh, can't wait to see it.
      Difficulty levels are not very well implemented as of right now, but I would like to have them.
      That would be an interesting idea (and I'm playing with regenerating mana with another spell that probably won't appear until episode three), but I would probably just stand around and wait until my mana was completely recharged and then just EFS the heck out of everybody.
      (that might not be too hard to program, actually... just set the weapons so they fire using a single ammo type and then use ACS to add one mana point times however many secret items they have every 35 tics or so... Maybe have different items raise the mana cap? Dang, this is sounding good...)

    2. Easiest thing to do would be to use an acs lib to control your regen (and maybe a custom HUD)

      THEN use the LOADACS lump to autoload it on every map without fiddling around with each map's scripts.


    3. While I don't think it would have the same feel as DooM does, I do think it would be a nice challenge in its own right, so I sat down and tried to code it for just one level (just testing it first). I think I got the concept right--changing weapon definitions to use just the mana ammo class, defining the mana pickup, that kind of thing--but the script kept spitting out errors and then when I got finally got it working the shotgun kept thinking it had no ammo and the pistol wouldn't replace and then after around two hours I gave up. I guess I'm not as good at ACS as I thought I was...
      That being said, if you can succeed where I failed, I'll give you the wad/release it as a special edition/play it until my fingers hurt, because the more I think about it, the more I think it could work and be entertaining (and the more frustrated I get at my coding abilities).

  4. Here's a proof of concept for regenerating mana:

    Load this on top of rarity.wad.

    I made a new ammo type which all weapons use, and then redefined the weapons to use different amounts of this ammo.

    Then an ACS script gives you one ammo per second, up to your mana cap of 200. Regen rate and mana cap are global variables and able to be changed via ACS.

    Note: I didn't replace any pickups, so the ammo is purely "theoretical", you can not get it any other way than the regen script.

    All values are pretty rough, mana regen is ssslllooowww, but if you are planning on being able to upgrade your regen rate then that might be an incentive to do so.

    WARNING: if you use an acs script numbered 900 in a map there will be problems with this wad, as the script I used is numbered 900. It's numbered high so it usually won't conflict with anything though.

    Here is a map!

    Difficulty is based off using a mouse and keyboard, its going to be very difficult with just the keyboard.

    It has 1 custom texture called BIO10.

    - J

    1. This.

    2. The pistol works just fine for regeneration but then as soon as I found the shotgun I was glad I had picked up the hoofblades because it became a challenge and I was only on map 2.
      You even thought to set it to replace the chex weapon names. I'm pretty much speechless.

    3. Bio10 just wouldn't work for me... I added it to rarity.wad, I added it to both the textures and patches sections and all I got was a hall of mirrors effect no matter what I did, so I just found and replaced all of them in DoomBuilder just to test the map.

      Who are you? Because this is glorious.

      The two demons from behind in that third room? The double switches for the lifts? The two barons descending? The way you get out of the level? The red key room? And don't even get me started on the level design and texture usage. I haven't had this much fun/frustration since I played the original DooM in that one map where you have to jump off the rising lift into the slime to get to the next door.

      I can't beat it without cheating. Yet. My record is dying three times.

      Two things, though. One, that's a crapton of Lyras (ok, that's just me whining). Two, I can sometimes make this jump, and that cuts out a ton of the map. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it does cut out a huge part of the level.

      Either way, this is a map I'm putting towards the end of the game just for how awesome it is.

    4. Yeah I just set the ammo usage to arbitrary numbers;
      Pistol and chaingun = 1
      Shotgun = 7
      SSG = 14
      Rocket = 50
      Plasma = 20
      BFG = 100

      They probably all need to be adjusted, but now I foresee a problem this might cause.

      If you upgrade your regen rate to a point where you can fire a more powerful weapon without worrying about running out of ammo, there is no reason to use any of the other weapons.

      You can probably avoid this by making the fastest regen rate about equal to the firing rate of, say, the ssg. Then just make the other power-ups increase the size of your mana pool.

      Using the above table of ammo usage, I'd say have your ammo regen powerup increase regen by 3/sec eg:
      lvl 1 - 1/sec (starting rate)
      lvl 2 - 3/sec
      lvl 3 - 6/sec (shotgun is almost sustainable)
      lvl 4 - 9/sec
      lvl 5 - 12/sec (ssg is almost sustainable)

      and pool:
      lvl 1 - 200
      lvl 2 - 250
      lvl 3 - 300
      lvl 4 - 350
      lvl 5 - 400

      This way if you have most of the upgrades you can fire powerful weapons for a short time, but long enough to actually do damage.

      Again, all conjecture, but if you are planning on using something like this you should be thinking about balancing.

      - J

    5. PS

      No, you are not supposed to be able to make that jump, but I have an idea of how to fix that.

      As for level difficulty;

      1. There are a few parts that have different monsters based on difficulty

      2. I play with KB+M, sprinting always on, and mouselook. Like I said this level would be a lot harder without those things.

      - J

    6. PPS

      BIO10 not showing is probably related to this:

      Will be fixed in next revision along with the platform fix.

      - J

  5. Holy Cow i didn't understand most of what just was said (i need to learn this DoomBuilder stuff, sounds "SO AWESOME!") but from what i can gather some super cool ideas are floating out there, let us know what we can do!
