Thursday, April 18, 2013

Miniscule Update, 18 Apr 2013

Not even a break, that's how small this one is. Only a few things to mention.

First off, my latest task is redoing the Trixieling sprites. The 3/4 views looked really bad. Actually, I'd hope you aren't seeing too many Trixielings anyway. They can really sap your health. Also, I noticed that their shots can hurt other changelings. Slime attacks don't affect other changelings, but Trixielings' attacks do. So remember that in E1M7.

And sprint. Do a lot of sprinting.

The second thing is, I could use some help finding music. I really liked the music I chose for the first few levels, but I could really use some more ideas for the other levels (I'm going to have at least 27 levels, after all). Finding new music is great. For example, I had originally decided to write my own parody to "Livin' La Vida Loca" for the Changeling Pie level (you met her in the ending room of Open Beta 1, E2M2), but then I found this song and I think I'm going to try and use it instead. And make the level darker, with more flickering lights.

That's another thing. If you want to help with maps, even if it's just a pencil sketch, I'd take it. That's really what's been holding me back.

Also spriting. But I digress.

Semester ends next week so expect good updates within the month.


  1. hmmm.... hey, how do you do the sprites? do you do them from scratch, or do you trac them from an sketch and then you color them? well, i think it would be usefull if you can have some help from us, the fans, if you uploaded the sketch of that pony that you have trouble doing, some of us can try to fix it and send it to you, so you trace it, and tadaaa!! problem solved =D

    also, with the maps thing, i have no idea how to sketch a doom map, could you upload an example? i can try and sketch one myself.

    1. Sprites are done by sketching all five rotations, scanning them, vectoring them in Inkscape, duplicating the vectors and then moving the nodes for each frame (usually four or six walk cycles, a few preparing-to-fire, one or two shooting), a pain sprite, and the death sequence. I select just the sprite I want, click export drawing, and then import the file with Slade. I'm sure there's an easier way, but that's what I know.
      Next blog post will describe how I do my maps.

  2. So for the songs, like the one you linked us, are you gonna have the lyrics in the game as well, or just the instrumental? Um for a few songs i personally liked that would be cool check these out, and (maybe an instrumental of this one, around 2:15 is where its a bit harder) and and (another game i know uses this one, but i likes it!) and and and (there is an instrumental of this one that would be good)
    Well thats all i got for music for now :D hope it helps, if you need more let me know and ill looks some more, just send me an email at
    And like "bry fury" said what are you looking for in the map sketches, like an view like the map in game or something else? I'll love to help if i can, just need some better details:)
    But its good to see you still working on it, KEEP IT UP!

  3. I sent you a PM via your youtube account about doing some map work.
    What format are you using UDMF, Doom-in-Hexen?

    1. I've had nothing to upload so I haven't checked that account in a while... thanks for the heads up and yes, I would appreciate the help.
      The majority are Doom in Hexen (UDMF had too many checkboxes for me) but the first five are Doom in Doom because I didn't know any better.
