Monday, July 15, 2024

Status(bar) Update

Ah, the status bar. I have always liked having it (even though I know some people prefer to turn it off). It just feels classic to me. 

But what if I wanted to update it? For example, if I wanted to show when Rarity has picked up the berserk powerup (because sometimes I forget!).

I could just add a small image, like so:

Regular-strength Rarity

Rarity's on fire with the berserk powerup!

Or, what if you wanted to know if you had green armor or blue armor (because they have different save percentages and I didn't realize this for a long time)? 

Three points on the shield for the 33% save

It's a bigger shield to show the 50%. 
Still have to figure out what the armor powerups will be, though. 

Or what if I wanted to find a statusbar font that looked like something Rarity would use but still is legible at tiny size?

...I don't have a picture for this one. The red freedoom one doesn't really fit, and the mlp-font text below is a little too pixelated for my liking, so that's another thing I'll have to change. 

But still! Very fun.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Rarifilly vs the Changelings!

 Apparently, it is a foal's day, so what better day than today to reveal the next iteration: Rarifilly vs the Changelings!


  • Lower view-height and lower-damaging attacks for a more fully-filly experience!

Let me guess, you were expecting somepony taller?

  • Cuter mugshots!
Don't let her take damage!
  • The same bland, flat levels as the original Raridoom (seriously how did i miss so many lower unpegged tags T.T??
  • A new story: With Sweetie Belle still not yet born, filly!Rarity is now being dragged through the hive, looking for her destiny! Can she find it, or is she doomed to wander around forever fighting dumb changelings!
Oh, no, not another level!

Happy foal's day!

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Little Update

The Freedoom project put out an update about a week and a half ago. They've redone some sprites and some textures, which is fun, and also most of the strings, which I wasn't expecting. I mean, I like making the strings relevant (I'm still proud of 'Rarity ruined her mane in the slime'), but I wasn't really expecting 'Put on a force field vest.' when I picked up the green armor (the blue red armor now says 'attuned force field armor', which was a cool word but one I did have to look up). And as much as I like the new armor bonuses (red is my favorite color), it just makes me realize I'm not sure what I want to do for them for my game. 😕

Guess that means I should do an update, too. I've been fighting the statusbar (ever realized that the flag you set that you were certain you needed was the one that was messing things up? yeah, good times...) and honestly I'm not sure how much people use it anymore. But I like it still.

Also I made some nice, new Rarity mugshots and dang it, they will be used.

Also pulled out UDB again recently. It had been a while since I'd done any mapping (I was so many versions behind...), so opening one and going 'oh, hey, that's a cacodemon, i did do that' was a pleasant surprise. I'm already 20 maps (+2) down, but my second-biggest concern is everything looking flat--I've been watching a lot of David's videos and every beginner's map, he'll comment on how just adjusting the floor height or ceiling height a little bit makes a big difference in making things look better. I've been going through the maps, trying to add some greebles here and there. I wouldn't expect an open beta for raridoom2 anytime soon, but it is happening. 

but the weirdest freedoom update is that they added a 'jump' noise every time you jump and let me tell you i was not expecting that in the slightest

Sunday, December 10, 2023

30 Years

Couldn't not post today! Doom is 30 years old! Originally released on December 10th, 1993, and has been a world-changer ever since. This calls for a celebration! 

Party on, Changeling Pie!

Friday, December 8, 2023

Update your software, y'all

So work on Raridoom2 is going slowly, but hey, what else is new?

You know what wasn't new: my version of inkscape. I was still using version 1.2 (from May of 2022), because it was still working fine. 

Fun fact: Inkscape 1.2 has a little bug where if you have an export window open (like when you're exporting sprites) and using copy-paste (like you do when you're spriting or copying paths from another inkscape document), it'll clear your gradients when you save it. This happened once before, but it was an easy fix because it was early enough in the process that I only lost a couple things that were easily fixable.

But last night, it ate all my cacodemon sprite gradients. "Where are its eyes? Did I delete the eyes? And it looks really see-through, which makes sense because it's bigger than, say, the imps; but- wait, where is the carapace?" 

Nom, nom.

This has been a PSA from baha: update your software.

also i was going to just not have pain elementals in the game because i hated them and wasn't sure how to justify them creating the hornets but then i realized 1) it looks just like the caco so i could just recolor it and 2) portals are canon in the mlp universe so it's not spitting out new changelings but instead summoning them. so pain elementals are going to be a thing.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Raridoom: Custom Edition Update

When I updated from Open Beta 3 to Raridoom .8, I tried cleaning up some of the code (because Chex Quest basically replaces definitions, and I was replacing those replacements; honestly, it's a miracle the game runs at all). This borked Custom Edition, which I thought was sad, because I really liked how the spells looked and how every enemy sounded different and I was not smart enough to figure out how to fix it myself.

But rejoice! For NikoTheGrunt has updated Custom Edition once more and packed it with a lot of new features! Monsters got updated with new sounds, new behavior (check out the bumblebees!), nice text (it's even color coded!), additional little touches like terrain splashes and cake splatters, you've got to check this out. 

The full changelog (with download link) is here and if you'd like to check out the post on the zdoom forums, it's there, too! You'll need GZdoom 2.4 or newer (or LZDoom 3.88+, if you'd prefer) and chex3.wad to play it. It's wrapped up nicely as a .pk3, so just drag and drop it on the engine and let the spells fly!

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

You Can Run, But You Can't Hide


So I was working on my maps and I realized that there was one area where you could hide from monsters with impunity, because they couldn't climb up the stairs. Turns out, the default maxstepheight for monsters is 24 units.


Modern problems require modern solutions.