When I updated from Open Beta 3 to Raridoom .8, I tried cleaning up some of the code (because Chex Quest basically replaces definitions, and I was replacing those replacements; honestly, it's a miracle the game runs at all). This borked Custom Edition, which I thought was sad, because I really liked how the spells looked and how every enemy sounded different and I was not smart enough to figure out how to fix it myself.
But rejoice! For NikoTheGrunt has updated Custom Edition once more and packed it with a lot of new features! Monsters got updated with new sounds, new behavior (check out the bumblebees!), nice text (it's even color coded!), additional little touches like terrain splashes and cake splatters, you've got to check this out.
The full changelog (with download link) is here and if you'd like to check out the post on the zdoom forums, it's there, too! You'll need GZdoom 2.4 or newer (or LZDoom 3.88+, if you'd prefer) and chex3.wad to play it. It's wrapped up nicely as a .pk3, so just drag and drop it on the engine and let the spells fly!