...is how helpful everyone is. Have an idea? Someone knows how to do it (and it's usually only a couple lines of decorate code). Not sure how to change something? Even if it hasn't specifically been done, someone knows where to look to get started.
And then there's little idiosyncrasies of modding. Like how the dehacked patch is always loaded last. So if you have a nice little Language lump, but the freedoom wad you're using as a template has a dehacked patch, that's going to override it whenever you playtest it, and it's something so silly to get hung up on but I liked having all the strings in one place and honestly it took me much longer than I'd like to admit to figure out why none of the strings were updating like I inherited everything and put in the little dollar sign like I'm supposed to so why aren't you updating
Not an announcement or anything, just playing with the tools again.